mp3loader.... a machine that decompresses mp3s (VBR ones as well!!) into a spare wavetable slot in buzz 1) Put dll in Buzz\gear\generators 2) Put the mp3loader into the machine editor in Buzz 3) Right click and select "Load an mp3.." 4) Select your mp3... tip: if you got winamp installed then right click any mp3 and select "play in winamp" to preview. 5) Edit the title to go in the wavetable (if you hate the default one) 6) Hit OK 7) If crash then report ( include mp3 in email (if its < 500K) use this mp3loader at your own risk...its very alpha... I am not to blame if it does anything bad to your machine or any of the files stored on it!!!! MarC (by the way, this machine aint on there yet!! Im still developing MarCNet 2 ..)